Our Core Values

Values are the foundation to so many things in life.

We believe that knowing your core values enables you to live a life of intention and lead happier lives.

We are so passionate about knowing your values and living into these in your everyday life, that we thought we would share our reNew You values with you:

Education | Fulfilment | Connection | Growth | Creativity


Meet the Face Behind reNew You…


Hey, I’m Georgia - the creator & founder of reNew You.

"Do you ever feel a bit stuck? Maybe slightly unfulfilled? Or a craving for change? – I have felt this too, along with most people. When I found myself in this stagnant place, it gave me the urge to get away. Not necessarily to travel, but a thirst for change, a fresh perspective, for new experiences and a reNewed energy.

I realised that I was feeling this way because I didn’t feel 100% fulfilled in where I was or in what I was doing. I knew I could do more, that I was made for more, and, I wanted more.

I didn’t necessarily need a fresh start, but more of just a refreshed way of thinking. A reNewed outlook to get clear on what I want to achieve and an action plan on how to accomplish that. That’s where I came up with the concept of the reNew You Mindset Seminars."